Australians often burn their acres to fertileise the soil and here you can see the smoke. The twilight is so beautiful but unfortunately my lovely camera doesn't do it justice! Sorry for that!
In Cairns we met Ali and Daniela again. They where a litle bit strandet and we helped them by driving their baggage to an hostel. And we spent a lot of time with them over the next few days. They are so great!
But on the second day we went on our own on a boat-trip to the Great Barrier Reef to snorkle and dive... and my goood we were so lucky. The visiability was about 20-30 meters, so the water was really clear and warm and wonderful. I couln't get on the boat again!!!
Henry did an introductory dive for 30 minutes and he loved it. I guess he has to get certified soon because now he has dived a few times and knows the drill!
I dived twice and it was so cool. I saw plenty of corals and fish. A huge sting ray which was completely cool. I saw to sharks! Both reef sharks so they weren't dangerous but it was a litle bit scary anyway! Especially later on when I was snorkeling on my own a litle bit far away from the boat. The bigger one must have been around 1.6-1.7 m. I can't help but recommending you all to dive! It is just so cool!
Next day we went with Ali and Daniela to a crocodile farm,after getting lost and driving for hours.... There we saw the crocs being fed and a show as well. We saw snakes, Koalas, wallaby's and birds. A completely touristy experience and not that spectacular, but we had a good day and I liked touching the snake...
Again we took off and this time we drove to Tabelland which is a beautiful area. But we didn't really know how big the area was so we spent most of the day in the car. Got stuck one time as a local farmer was driving his catle home from the field...just as it happens in the movies! It was so funny. The waterfall at Millae Millae was beautiful but I have to admit that the waterfalls in Iceland are bigger and better! :-)
I've been trying to upload photos on the photoalbum but it didn't work. Something wrong so I'll have to try later...
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